Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Little!!!!

Today is my sweet daughter-in-love's birthday!!!! Throwing confetti her way today. My laptop has gone crazy so I am having to post from baby girls computer and all my pics are on the other one. Technology - argh!
You are loved so very much. I admire you and your comittment to stay home and raise Graham for these young years. It is a hard job and you do it so wonderfully. You NEVER complain or grumble. You are the epitome of grace. I am so proud of you. I admire your desire to be the woman God plans for you to be. We are nothing and He is everything. Not only are you a great momma but you are a wonderful wife to our boy. He too is a handful (I can say that :). I am excited for you to get some R & R with him and for us to get some with baby boy. Well there won't be any R&R but there will be LOTS of fun and giggles. I just hope PawPaw lets me play with him some :). I hope your day is just as special as you are and I love you!


  1. I just wiped down the swing and slide. GiGi and Graham can use it all they want even if we aren't home. The dogs will bark at you, but they can't get you!! :)

  2. Thank you Sarah! We will take you up on that.
