Thursday, February 25, 2010

What a difference a year makes

One year ago today our lives were forever changed by the addition of our sweet grandpeep Graham. His momma worked hard for two days to get him here then suffered some serious health issues for the next couple of weeks. I got to stay with Graham for a couple of days while his momma had to go back to the hospital. It was a sweet time of remembrance for me being with a newborn again. Oh how the time does fly. Graham and his GiGi did some serious bonding and I love that little man to pieces! Now a whole year has passed and brought so many new memories and so much joy.


You do not know it yet but you are one lucky little boy. You are loved beyond measure by so many people. You have more grandparents than you will be able to keep up with, aunts and uncles and some cousins that you already can't wait to join in all their fun. You have a precious momma who takes very good care of you and a daddy who works hard to make sure you are provided with a wonderful home and all the things you need to be a secure and well raised young man. Nobody makes your face light up like your momma and daddy do. What a joy and a blessing to watch your family interactions. PawPaw and I are enjoying sitting back and taking in the harvest of seeds planted many prayers ago. We continue to pray for all of you daily. We pray for your salvation. I don't doubt for a second that you will know how much your family loves you but it is our prayer that more than anything you will learn the love of our Savior. The grace and unconditional love that will change your life if you allow it. I pray for the Lord to make you a mighty man for His kingdom's sake.

You are so precious. Your personality is changing every day. You clap at everything. You look just like your daddy and your PawPaw's baby pictures. I think I have seen some of their disposition in you at times too! You certainly have their charm and their endless appetite. I can't wait to hear your little voice say "GiGi " and feel those chubby little arms around my neck. What a wondrous year this has been with you. We look forward eagerly to all the things ahead and relish every second.

Happy 1st Birthday Sweet Baby Graham!
We love you to the sky and back!
GiGi and PawPaw

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