Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Thank You

Today is my anniversary. I love things that require celebration - Anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, anything that requires a tribute to someone or something. Today not only calls for tribute and celebration for my man and me but more importantly to our God. Thanks to Him.

Thank you Lord for your institution of marriage. That You ordained it and meant it to be a joyous relationship. Not a perfect one but a good one. Thank You for giving that to us. Thank you Lord for establishing and ordaining the husband as the head of the household. I use to struggle with this in my independent flesh (in many other areas too!). But thank you Lord for showing me that this is not a curse or a punishment for a woman, it is a blessing and submission to You comes first. Thank you Lord for that verse that says wives submit yourselves unto your husband (and I do) and the one that follows that says husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church(and he does). The two concepts work together not against each other.
Thank you Lord for giving us Your word that tells us everything we need to know for our marriage to work, and thrive, not just exist.
Thank you Lord that you bring restoration, renewal and forgiveness. If You can forgive us why would we not forgive each other?
Thank you Lord for allowing me to be a wife to this man I love with all my heart. Thank you for making us each others very best friend.
Thank you for our beautiful family that we love immensely.

We will celebrate today. We will thank God over and over for another year and we will renew our contract with each other! We will remember that day all those years ago that we made a vow and promise to our God first and each other second. We will remind ourselves that we have no idea what our future holds but we trust the Hand that holds it.

Happy Anniversary to my sweet man! I love you.


  1. Happy Anniversary!! I love you both very much and am so thankful for y'all and the example you have always set for Jeremy and I. I hope you had a wonderful day!! I saw the picture of your anniversary present! WOW!! :)

  2. Happy late Anniversary! Our's is very close to yours!

    Congrats on another year!
