Thursday, November 3, 2011

SSMT #21

I have not posted my memory verse on my blog in awhile, but I couldn't let this one go by.

Micah 6:8
"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly[a] with your God. "

Our family ( immediate and extended)- has been through a lot in the last several weeks - An aunt diagnosed with cancer, a first cousin who died suddenly at a young age, a brother-in-law who suffered a stroke, and just hard stuff that people are going through and needing prayer. As I looked at this verse I realized it is for the hard times this verse is meant, not the good.
This is what I hear the Lord saying,
" Michelle you have seen, because I have shown you in your finite, mortal body how good I am. I have proved it to you. If only by My Son's death and ressurrection, as that would be enough, BUT no, I have gone further than just that . I have blessed you immeasurably,more than you deserve. Why? Easy - I love you, Michelle, and all your family even through the hurt and the not so good. Here is what I ask of you in return - TRUST ME, BELIEVE ME, CALL TO ME, SEEK ME, LOVE OTHERS,  SHOW MERCY WHEN YOU DON'T WANT TO. REMEMBER I AM GOD AND YOU ARE NOT SO ALL QUESTIONS YOU HAVE WILL NOT RECEIVE ANSWERS. I HAVE SHOWN YOU MY GOODNESS - DON'T DOUBT I AM STILL GOOD AND LOVING AND ENDURINGLY FAITHFUL."

What a mighty God we serve. So as I think of all the hard stuff we are enduring I am choosing to focus on all the blessings that are occurring out of them. And there are many. It is amazing what we see when we get our focus off ourselves.


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