Today is my first grandpeep's birthday. I can hardly believe he is three today! It just seems like yesterday my phone rang at 2 in the morning saying it was time to go to the hospital. Our lives have never been the same and we are so thankful!
Dear Connor,
When did you go from being our baby boy to our little boy who thinks he is a little man? You are so precious and I cannot tell you how much you are loved. You are a blessing from above of the most special kind. You are a gift that has brought so much joy to
every one's life. I can only speak for your
PawPaw and myself so that is what I am going to do. We love you so much. When we haven't seen you in a while we feel like our hearts will burst wide open until we do.

You have the uncanny ability to make everyone you see feel like a rock star when they walk in the room. You just squeal their name in delight and run over to them and give them a huge hug. And by the way
GiGi thinks your hugs are the best! They make my day. You have so, so many family members to keep up with, but you do and you remember
every one's name. You are terribly smart. You never forget anything and you can carry on a conversation like a grown-up. There has never been any doubt as to where your ability to talk so well comes from!
You were the best little baby. Hardly ever cried and were always pretty content. I miss those baby days and I know your momma does too. But time passes and we have to understand you have to grow up.

It is so much fun to watch you do that. Every day is something new with you. Even though we don't see you everyday you are always on our minds and in our prayers. I know God has great big plans and purpose for your life. It is my prayer that you will always know that and lean on Him for all things. For Him to make you a mighty warrior for His kingdom sake. Maybe one day you will read this and know how special you are to us. We are so thankful God chose us to be your grandparents! I hope you have a very special day today and I can't wait for your party this weekend!

I love you to the sky and back Connor!
GiGi and PawPaw
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