Yesterday was a special day for me. I will fill in all the details but I am going to do so in reverse..I am silly that way. Call me a start at the end to get to the beginning kind of conversationalist! We had our high school beauty pageant last night and I was the MC. They choose the person with the biggest mouth and that would be me! Plus I am such a
girly girl I really love to see the girls all dressed up. Here I am with the winner and 1st runner-up. They are also students of mine and I love teaching them. Aren't they darling?

That was the highlight of my evening with these two placing as they did. But as I look at this picture a few things came to mind. They are so young and pretty and have so much of life before them. There was a time in my life when I would have looked at this picture and mourned the passing of my own youth, instead of seeing what I do now. My enemy would have churned up some insecurity in me about how I am middle aged, getting a few too many wrinkles and having to go and get my gray colored a little more often. And I will be honest- it was hard to get over.
Some days I still struggle with those things but not so much. My God is helping me get over myself.
A few weeks ago my mama called my sisters and me and said she wanted to have a luncheon for my granny's sisters. My mama is one of ten children and my granny one of thirteen! Can you imagine? I have a huge family and am ever the more blessed for it. My granny lived in our home with us after my granddaddy passed away and my life was forever changed because of it. She was my best friend growing up. She has been with her savior for thirteen years now and sometimes the ache I feel over missing her is tremendous. I spent a lot of time curled up on her bed with her just hashing out all the problems I thought I had and she would listen so intently and then remind me what I had to be thankful for. She was good that way- always putting things in proper perspective for you while at the same time
acknowledging your struggle with it. But, she wouldn't allow you to whine over it. Get on over it she would say. My granny loved her family and not just her children and her grandchildren. She had twelve siblings and she loved
them with a vengeance. Especially her sisters. She would always tell us the greatest stories of their lives and how much love was in a house filled with thirteen children. All her siblings are gone on to heaven now except for three of my great aunts.

Aren't they gorgeous? They literally take my breath away. They are 84, 86 and 88! Look at them. All three have lost their husbands. One of them not only outlived her spouse but her two children as well. Another one lost two of her daughters to cancer and diabetes. The third has survived colon and breast cancer. And look at how radiant their faces are. They are such an inspiration to me. I can honestly tell you that the Lord showed me yesterday that this is the kind of beauty I should strive for. One that comes from a life lived loving Him and loving others. Serving others and selfless sacrifice. And I don't want you to think for one minute that I spent my day with a bunch of boring old ladies - quite the contrary. They are witty, hilarious, charming, wise, oh so wise,
fashionistas, kind, generous, humble, gracious, beautiful, the epitome of lady-like, and
mischievous to boot! Not a dull moment, we laughed till our sides hurt. Two of them brought their daughters and they are beautiful as well. Three of my own aunts were there and they too bring me so much joy to be around. I thanked God profusely for this family of origin He gave to me. These God-fearing strong women to be an example for me. I will take their brand of beauty over the worlds any time.

Proverbs 31:10 "A woman of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies."

Proverbs 31:25 "She is clothed with strength and
dignity; she can laugh at the days to come."

Proverbs 31:26 "She speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue."

They are the cutest things ever. My day was so rich yesterday and I have thanked the Lord for it over and over. Reminding me that putting my attention and focus on worrying about an outward appearance is the worlds opinion of beauty. Yesterday He showed me in three women His
definition of beauty and that is what my focus should be on. Living a life that pleases Him and the blessings that come out of that obedience.

What a legacy. I love all these women so very much and hope my own daughters will get
an understanding of true beauty one day.
Proverbs 31: 30
"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Give her the reward she has earned and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."
I don't doubt for a second their reward in heaven is great. I love you Aunt Mary, Aunt Bert and Aunt Virginia!
It was a huge blessing to share the day with them. I am so thankful for the legacy Granny and her sisters have created for us and can only hope that we can pass it on with the dignity and grace that they possess.
ReplyDeleteMichelle that was beautiful and so true. I only wish I could have been there. I am always living off somewhere else and miss everything. Love ya'll and thank you for your post.
I remember your Granny. She was a true gem. I know you miss her dearly. What a lovely day you have shared. (You don't look a day over 20 by the way) I love the turning and shifting of life into realizing what is really important in life. May we all see it come to fruition in us sooner than we thought!