Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Little Blessings

No time to blog much - just sitting in the office working late and so thankful as I sit here watching and listening to my baby girl and her sweet daddy sitting side by side at her keyboard singing duets of praises to the King. Such a sweet gift to me right at this moment. Can't even be jealous of the amount of talent the Lord gifted each of them with. My prayer is that one day Baby girl can truly grasp the depth of love both her earthly Father and Heavenly Father have for her.
Have a great week and count your blessings - especially the ones that seem to escape us in the busyness of our lives - Funny, as I typed that last sentence I accidentally typed "busymess" - How true that is. Our lives can get to be a busy mess if we aren't careful.
Thankful and Blessed,


  1. What a sweet and true post. I have had a "busymess" this week...especially today. Thanks for reminding me to count my blessings!

  2. Hey Gigi! Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you. I'm still alive over here in Dallas and doing well. Haven't blogged in a while, but I really need to. I'll let you know if I update with anything profound.

    -Spongebob Rosenpantz
