Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Southern Style

Well it finally happened!!! We got a snow day that actually brought snow! YIPPEE!!! We have gotten out for icy weather but I have seen no snow until this morning! My sweet grandpeep Connor called me this morning hollering in the phone."GiGi, is it snowing at your house? It's snowing at mine!!" That is the one bad thing about the snow- he was supposed to come to GiGi and PawPaw's this weekend but couldn't because of the roads. I hope he had a blast playing in it. I think they got more coverage than us but we were still happy to see it. Here are some pics. I want my northern friends to see snow southern style. I know they are laughing. My computer is messed up so these were uploaded straight from the camera and not edited.
My tropical oasis looks anything but!! Just looking at the water makes my skin draw up!

We here in the South aren't very skilled drivers when icy conditions abound. My husband grew up in Michigan so he thinks it is crazy everything shuts down when there is a little ice and snow. As I heard the announcement last night that school was out for today I told him to hush his mouth!!!! My students and I worked really hard perfecting our snow dance yesterday and I would not have him make me feel one bit guilty for it. He loves when we get snow days too!

Somehow baby girls trail along the river where she runs wasn't so easy today. :) This picture is for her coach to see how dedicated she is. The river looked beautiful.

A picture of one of the public boat launches. Looks icy.

This bench looks so sad. No one to keep it company. My niece just went through a blizzard that brought about 16 inches of snow and I wanted her to see ours. Look Mance!

We have enjoyed our day and are about to snuggle in with some homemade chili and a movie. Hope everyone had a great day off and is gearing up for Superbowl Sunday. What will you do and what kind of snacks will you make? I will share some recipes tomorrow.
Blessings from Snowville!,

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't it a good showing of snow? My kids had a blast and built a snowpile (not to be confused with a snowman) in our front yard. I watched from my office window as I did some work. We are going to a SB party at our neighbors tomorrow and I'm making some Bourbon Meatballs from a Southern Living book, a Pesto-Tomato Focaccia thing that looks like pizza, and some stuffed jalapenos. I'll take pics tomorrow. We spent the day today packing..:( but are about to venture out, the kids have a birthday party in Shreveport tonight. Love you!
