Today is my sweet Mama's birthday! It is also my parents 40th anniversary which we will celebrate tomorrow and I will talk about later. Today, since it is Thanksgiving I want to tell my mother why I am thankful God chose her to be my Mama. She is not "Mom" or "Mother" she has always been and always will be "MY MAMA" Must be a southern thing.
You have been the best kind of mother to my sisters and me. You were our mother and not our friend growing up. I never realized how hard that must have been for you until I had a teenage daughter and now I have another one! I am sorry I lost my mind for those teenage years. Thank you for waiting patiently - well for waiting- that I would regain my sanity at some point in my life. Thank you for nilla wafers with peanut butter and laying on a blanket and making cloud shapes with me when you got to stay home with me when I was little. Thank you for all that stopping when Jennifer came along - I mean thank you for my baby sister. Thank you for teaching me what hard work is about and working hard at all you do. See, you knew making me dust the leaves on the plants would pay off. Hence the reason there are no potted plants in my house! hehe!
Thank you for inviting Granny to come live with us and allowing her the space to be our best friend growing up. My life would be so much different had she never come to our house for those 17 years. You used to say, "I wish I was sweet like Mother." Oh Mama, if you ever doubt that you aren't like Granny, just ask one of your grandchildren that adore you and think you hung the moon. They'll straighten you out.Thank you for teaching me that you were never stronger than when on your knees before the Lord. Your relationship with Jesus is a blessing to me and I thank Him that you love Him so much.
Thank you for not allowing me to be like so many other girls when I was growing up - even though I wanted to be like them so badly at the time. Thank you for instilling confidence in me and never letting me have a pity party about anything in your presence. It didn't mean we couldn't be sad about things, we just weren't going to whine about things that didn't matter. Thank you for loving your family the way you do. You are such a tower of strength to so many people.
Thank you for instilling in me the love of shopping! You are so fun and so cute. I love hanging out with you. I hope my girls will feel that way when they are older.
Thank you for making us leave our childhood home and our tree swing and all our memories! I am kidding. Home is where ever you and Daddy are. I mean that. You do that - you make places feel like home cause you're Mama!
Much more to tell you but I will tell you in person when I see you tomorrow. I hope you all have a great day today.
I love you more than you can know and I am thankful I am the one that got to make you a Mama.
Happy Birthday and Happy Thanksgiving Mama.
What a sweet post!!! Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary Mimi :)