Wednesday, August 11, 2010

That Time Again

It is that time again when school is back in session! It is so hot........ thank goodness for air conditioning. This year is a little different for me as the baby of the four started high school! I can hardly believe she is a freshman. Some of my favorite memories as a teacher are when my older three children were in high school with me. It was great fun! However, it has been 6 years since the last one graduated and things are very different. We like traditions in our home. Every year on the first day of school my man makes a big breakfast of his famous french toast. It is the only time during the school year that I eat breakfast at home instead of in the car driving - if I eat at all! Also, baby girl and I get our picture made on our big first day of school. As this was the first year of high school for her I started marveling about how swiftly the time has passed since her first day of kindergarten. I went and found those pics and had a pretty good cry. Isn't she darling? She was so excited. Isn't my hair huge? Always has been!

This was us this morning!!!! She is so grown!!!! And my hair is still big!!

She was just as excited this morning as she was then. If I remember correctly she did a lot of crying when she got to her classroom all those years ago as she didn't have any friends or know anyone in her class. This morning she and all her friends ran together with their new backpacks, fresh lip gloss and big expectations. No crying. And certainly no crying for her momma to come get her! I am sure tears will come soon enough - from us both. I did a lot of praying this morning. Big things ahead for baby girl and I am so anxious for her and nervous all at the same time. I want to keep my baby close by but know that is not how life is to be. Oh how I comfort in knowing that even though I can't be with her all the time - and that those days have been gone for a long time - that she has a Heavenly Father holding her in His palm at all times. I pray she will remember that and trust in it. It will never fail her.
I am looking forward to a lot of good times in the next four years. Pretty soon she will be taller than me - maybe not taller than my hair though!


  1. Beautiful pictures of two beautiful girls and a beautiful post. How sweet - it makes me remember how fast they grow up. Still can't believe my only baby is 21, doesn't seem possible. And you know what us good southern women say Michelle - the bigger the hair the closer to the Lord!!!

  2. This made me cry! I teared up this morning watching Brian head off for 4th grade and Rachel for 1st...I know it's only a matter of time! I hope Savannah had a great day! Love you both!

  3. How sweet!!! I can't stop looking at the pictures. She looks SO grown and I must say...your hair looks mighty fine :)!! I'm so glad that y'all had a great first day back. Love you!

  4. You are making my laugh with the hair jokes! Praying for Savannah's journey through High School.

  5. You are both beautiful women. Always have been. Love you.

  6. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful Christian sister in you and Melissa. I cried (and I am still crying) as I read your post. I remember the Day Savannah was born. Looking at the pictures I also wonder where time has gone, I know I can't get the time back. Sydney is a "Senior" of the Elementary school, a 5th Grader!!!! I can't believe how beautiful and how tall our girls are!!
