Kelly had a powerful video on her blog this morning about Cardboard Testimonies. I was so touched by it I have been trying for an hour to put the video on my blog but am computer illiterate. It will have to wait until I go to school tomorrow and do what I always do when I need computer help- ask my students! So I did the next best thing and posted the link:
I can remember as a young person our Sunday night services would always have some kind of theme - like just singing - we would holler out the number of our favorite hymn in the hymn book (remember those?) I was a frequent yeller as I had lots of favorite hymns. But I most enjoyed share times. When others would get up and share what Christ had done for them and how He had changed their lives. I miss those times. We don't share enough what God has done for us.
Then I saw this video! What a powerful way to share what God has done in the lives of everyday people. How many times I am reminded that He performs miracles every day in every one. I keep thinking what would be on my cardboard box? I would need to go to a furniture store and ask for all their leftover boxes and tape mine to the side of a building - I have never been one to condense my feelings - I am a "more is better" kind of person. But if I were forced to a small cardboard box the front would read:
"Consumed with self - glorification, gratification and destruction"
The back would read:
"Saved me from myself"
Thank you Jesus!
What would yours say?
This is AMAZING!!!! Thanks for sharing. I posted a bit on my page, too.