Wednesday, November 11, 2009


This is our son Josh. He is ridiculously handsome but will never be serious in a picture. He has a beautiful smile but I haven't gotten a good pic of that since his high school senior pictures eight years ago and that was only because he knew we were paying good money for those.

Josh and his darling girlfriend, who by the way also has a beautiful smile and he better get to being cute in pictures with her!

But normally this is what I get when I take his picture:

Or this: (notice that his baby sister is always on cue and ready to smile for the camera). Josh is a great big brother.

He is also a terrific uncle. Refuses to talk baby talk but a great uncle nevertheless.

Josh is a good grandson. They are used to his silliness in pictures. I think his PawPaw even encourages him in his mischief.

Josh is many things to his family. His dad and I know we can call him with anything and he will be here in an instant. I just know he is going to move hundreds of miles away but he hasn't yet. He is always there when we need him. He is a manly man. He loves to deer hunt, play in the mud, and just all things boy. He has been that way forever. He was our only child that could entertain himself and play alone for hours. Either that or he thought we were all so weird he wanted no part of us. But in spite of being so masculine, Josh is a very sensitive human being. He is thoughtful, considerate and always seems to know just when this mom needs a hug. He is loving to his sisters, nephews, grandparents and never leaves the house without hugging his dad. He is going to be mad at me for this! I don't care though because Josh is one of those who never wants attention brought to himself. However it is only fitting on this day that I tell you something else he is.
Josh is a veteran. It seems only right to honor him today, along with so many others. Josh was deployed to Iraq for about a year. His leave was difficult on our whole family but a blessing all at the same time. His dad and I learned a lot during that year about trusting the Lord. God honored that and increased our faith tremendously. We were still so happy when his year ended and he was home. He doesn't talk much about his leave and we don't ask much. I have observed him with some of his friends he was deployed with and he cares for those guys like they are his family. In a way they definitely were and continue to be. All those men fought for our freedoms and rights and we certainly do not take that for granted. Unselfishly. That is how Josh lives. Unselfishly.
We are blessed that he came home safely. Many did not, many are still fighting the battle to uphold our freedom. My brother-in-law is in Afghanistan. My grandfather fought in WWII. So many who did so much. Honor our veterans this day. Pray for those who continue to serve and defend this nation of ours.
Josh, know how much we love you and are so proud of you and the man that you are. We honor you and thank you for your sacrifice.

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