Do you know what I love more than Mother's day? I love being a mother. With all my heart I love it. Growing up, the thought of being a mom was about as far out of my realm of thinking or desiring than being a school teacher was (hehe! what does that tell you?) But, "I know the plans I have for you says the Lord." Thank you Lord your plans prevail and not our own. As a college graduate I met my future husband and his three adorable children. I had never seen a man quite like him interact with his children the way he did. As time passed my love for them grew and grew and I couldn't stand to be away from them for a second. After we were married and were in our house for the first time as a new family, I was awakened very early by a little hand tapping my face. I awoke to the cutest, biggest brown eyes, staring at me saying, "What is for breakfast?" Knowing this was my time to impress (thinking that I had to, I didn't) I whipped out one of new cookbooks and made homemade pancakes. Nothing out of a box for these little tummies. (I got over that) Those big brown eyes looked up at me with syrup dripping out of his little mouth and in between shoveling bites in he said, "You are the bestest cook in the world next to MawMaw." Stick a fork in me. I was done for. I have been cooking like a crazy woman for those kids ever since. Whatever brings them back home, right?
I am touched by God's faithfulness. This path was not one I had envisioned for myself and I needed Him to help me. And He did. I asked Him to allow His love to flow through me to them. And He did. I asked Him to help me love them as my own flesh and blood. And He did, and I so do. I asked Him to bless us with a child to complete our family. And He did. You have never seen a child adore her older siblings the way she loves them. I thank Him for the role-models He gave me in my own mama, granny, and other mama (we don't like the word 'step' around here). I thank Him for His word he gave us to instruct us in raising them
Family is my heartbeat. I love being with them. They make me laugh, think, and challenge me to be better. I love when the house is filled with all of them.
So this mother's day like so many other days, I will thank Him profusely for allowing me and choosing me to be a part of their lives. Even though the time is so short. Two of them are now parents, and I won't even get started on how I love being a grandparent. I have already been given the greatest Mother's day gift. Them. They made me a mother.
Thank you Lord that your plans prevail. They are so much better than our own.
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