The past week has been crazy!!! Last Monday night Jeremy and Laura checked into the hospital at 10pm and they began the induction the next morning. We were all geared up for our baby to arrive that day, however the baby had another plan! Laura's dilation seemed to just stay at the same place all day so they did what is called a serial induction. They shut everything off at about 6:45pm and let Laura get something to eat (she was starving) and take a shower and get a good night sleep, and start all over again on Wednesday. She progressed really well that day and by 4:30 was ready to start pushing. Jonathan Graham didn't make his arrival until 8:20!!!!! My daughter-in-law is my hero. She is one tough momma. Graham weighed 8lbs. 5oz. Big baby. Beautiful baby. Gift from God baby. They were all prepared to go home on Friday evening and I was going to stay with them to help them out for the weekend. When Laura left the hospital she had some swelling from all the fluid pumped through her. Saturday was a pretty good day except Laura was unable to rest anytime she laid down. About 6:45 that evening she got up and said she couldn't rest because everytime she lay down her chest felt tight and her heart felt like it was pumping really hard. She took her bp and it was high so she called the on-call doctor and they made her come to the ER asap. It was the saddest thing I had ever seen for her to tell her brand new little boy goodbye to go back to the hospital after being there for a week already. God is so gracious and good. Laura had been nursing since he was born but when they left the hospital the nurses gave her about 30 prepared bottles of infant formula. Jeremy and Laura were appreciative but didn't think they would need them. Because of the providence of the Lord and lots of praying over baby Graham by his Gigi, he took his first bottle of formula and everyone after that like a champ. He didn't get one upset stomach and he slept between every feeding. He is such a good baby. Gigi was feeling ever bit her age since it has been some time since I have been by myself with a newborn doing round the clock feedings! But we had a sweet time of bonding , Graham and me.
They ended up having to admit Laura back in the hospital on Saturday night to try and get some of that extra fluid off and they thought her heart may be enlarged and it was a little out of rhythm. They thought she might have a heart condition some pregnant women get as a result of preeclampsyia that lasts about six months but after a series of tests and many prayers that came back negative. She will have to be on medication for awhile.
I kept Graham until Monday morning when his daddy (who is my new hero also) came to take him to his first doctors appt. and I went to the hospital to sit with Laura. After the appt. Jeremy brought Graham to stay with his momma at the hospital and I have never seen her so giddy as while she was waiting for her baby. I think the only other time I have seen her act that way was right before she walked down the aisle. It was a great reunion and they all got to go home yesterday. Laura feels fantastic and says she is probablythe only woman to take the same baby home from the hospital twice.
My kids have faced some major trials this past week and have had to learn that to have great faith you must excercise great faith. My husband and I could not be more proud of them. God is always in control even when it seems life is spinning out of control.
I have lots of pics of Graham to upload but my computer just decided to start working again this am. Be on the lookout for pics and prepare yourself - he is one handsome dude!
I'm so sorry that they had to go through all of that. Praise God everyone is healthy and happy now! I can't wait to see pictures of Graham.