Monday, August 15, 2011

SSMT #16

Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well."

Already time for another memory verse. This time of year is so busy and always seems to just fly right on through to the end of the year. We had a great and relaxing weekend. All geared up for a busy school week. I used to hate Mondays. Now I kind of enjoy them. Like a new slate and a fresh start. Actually I kind of think of it as my sweet mother-in-love told me yesterday - Every day my feet hit the floor I thank God for a new day.
Have a blessed Monday!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

First Day

Yesterday began a new school year. My baby is a sophomore!!! I know it must be so hard to go to high school where your mother is a teacher, but so far she handles it with grace. I pray it will always be this smooth. I know there will be bumps in the road but we will survive it. The other three and I survived and they even say on occasion how glad they were I was there. Hopefully baby girl will too!
We have a busy school year ahead of us and I know it will fly by.

Our yearly first day of school picture! Only two more to go - sniff sniff!

Have a great rest of the week!

Monday, August 8, 2011

New Beginnings - Again!

Today is the day where teachers all over my parish gather for two days of inservice before our eager minds show up on Wednesday!!!! Where did the summer go? We ask that every year and they just go by faster and faster. This is an interesting time for me - I hate it. I love it. I hate that I won't be working side by side with my sweet man during the day anymore. I miss him when I go back to school. And the best part is- he misses me too. I love it because everything is new all over again when you are a teacher. New faces, new minds to mold (hopefully) and new opportunities.
I am crazy about being a teacher (remind me when I am posting that I am sick of them next week :) ). It is by far the most rewarding job I can imagine having and as I get older I have no doubt it is my calling. I don't know how long of a season it will be and I hope even after retiring I will teach in some capacity. I look forward to new relationships and bonds formed with students. So many have touched and changed my life in remarkable ways. They teach me as much as I teach them.
I also miss my teacher friends. We may go all summer without seeing each other but will slip right back into the comfortableness of our friendships as soon as we see each other today. I am looking forward to catching up.
So thankful this morning as I sat and had my quiet time that the Lord allows me to do something I love so very much. I don't take one second for granted.
Have a blessed Monday!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Great Read

It is sooooooooooooooooo hot!!! What a newsflash right? We start back to school on Monday and I can't even fathom how hot it is going to be. I usually want to hang on to summer a little longer, however I will be glad to say good-bye to this one.

Wanted to recommend a great read. Louie Giglio wrote a book titled i am not but I know I AM. Welcome to the story of God.   He addresses a problem that is so prevalent in our society today - the obsession with self. Who we are, why are we here, what are we to do. And he reminds us that we are all here to glorify and share in the story of the One who gives us breath every day to do what we do. It is a short book but filled with scriptural wisdom and much needed reminders about our purpose in life. I finished this morning and wanted to share a bit of it:

"The cross of Christ is the place where trust in God is born. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is an act of kindness from a loving and trustworthy God, an undeniable demonstration of His goodness that we can cling to when our sight and understanding fail to make sense of the circumstances that surround us."

Life is full of things that don't make sense and questions of "Why" that just don't have answers that our finite fleshly minds can understand. His ways are not our ways. Thank goodness. BUT....... no matter what, it is imperative to remember it begins and ends with the Cross of Christ and trusting that we are not but He is the Great I AM.
A great read. Hope you check it out.

Monday, August 1, 2011

SSMT #15

1 Chronicles 16:11 (NIV)

"Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always."

May we all understand when we are weak He is strong. He is faithful, He is loving and He is good ALL the time. Even when we don't understand.
Blessings from sweltering Louisiana!