Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011

I have had the joy of a four day weekend!! It has been glorious. Lots of relaxing, drinking coffee with my man, hanging out with my peeps and reading. And as always - eating. The first couple of days before Easter I did a lot of reading and listening to sermons on Easter. I like to read all four gospel accounts each year and ask the Lord to really bring something to the forefront to me that I need to focus on. I never fail to be amazed at what my Savior did for my on the cross. I should have posted this earlier but I am just now getting around to it. Here is a link everyone should listen to : It is the most graphic, moving description of Christ taking on our sins that I have ever heard. And that is what Easter is about. His taking on our sin, being separated for those moments from a Holy God, and paying the price for us. Instead of us. Because He loved us. My sweet grandpeep Connor summed it up the best : "Jesus died on the Cross , cause He loved us and then he camed alive." Hallelujah He camed alive!!!! May we never forget our Savior lives! And one day soon I hope we will all be with Him in paradise.
We saw a beautiful portrayal of the life of Christ at church yesterday, and then headed to the farm for a day with our family. It was a blessed day filled with the things that matter most to us, our parents, our kids, grandpeeps and other family members. After a yummy lunch several of us headed to the farm to hide eggs for the kids.

Josh is always a trooper with helping for the kids. They all love him and want to hang all over him.

Brent hid eggs and Jodi walked around trying to look busy! She is good at that! :)

Some were out in the open for the smaller kids.

Graham found them before it was time! Then he smashed them together and threw them on the ground. That one is ALL boy.

Mimi arrived with the rest of the kiddos ready to go.

They all lined up and Graham dumped his stuff out on the ground. He keeps his momma busy.

Busy little egg hunters!

The more mature people sat and watched!
The great grandmas sipped their coffee and watched. I love these two ladies so very much. Then we had dessert. I am so lucky to have two precious women in my family that are so creative and love to make things for others. Laura and Christine - and they are beautiful,on the inside and out.

Christine makes these sugar cookies that are out of this world. They look like they belong in a bakery don't they?

And these cake pops Laura made! Oh my. I ate two in the bed last night! Graham eats them in about two bites!

We all know what the next picture means when we see these two hand in hand headed to the barn!

The perfect end to a perfect day!

What a great weekend we had celebrating our Savior's sacrificial death and Resurrection. I hope you all enjoyed the same with your families and hope you have a blessed week!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Grandpeep Plays Ball

My grandson is four years old and played his very first T-ball game last night. We had such a blast going to watch him. Don't you wonder many times what they are thinking in those sweet little heads? I do all the time. Last night I imagine it went a little something like this:

"Man, am I glad to see my PawPaw. I am PawPaw's friend."
"I know I am supposed to pay attention to the batters when I am in the dugout, but Hey PawPaw, I love you!"

"Okay I am up at bat. Brent told me to tell that pitcher he better back on up!"

"Whoo Hoo look at me run! This is so much fun!!!"

"Time for my team to take the field. I better get my game face on. Serious business."

"Look at me PawPaw. Thumbs up means I'm ready!!!"

"Still ready. Not much action coming my way."

"Hey this dirt fits in my glove pretty good."

"This is fun. Who knew t-ball could be such fun? What is all that noise around me? Oh yeah, a ball game is going on."

"My turn to bat again. The ball is going way out there."

"Look at me gooooooooo!!!"

"Time to take the field again. I'm ready again PawPaw. What? You want me to run after the ball and not wait for it to come to me? Okay."

"I ran for it, but so did everybody else. Now I am mad."

"Okay trying again, ready!!"

"Why won't the ball come to me?"

"Now I am just mad."

"PawPaw, why does my momma keep yelling 'There is no crying in baseball?' Tell her to come get it."

"One more time, I'll try but I am getting sick of this."

"I got it!!!!!!!!!! Did y'all see me?  This is fun after all."

"T-ball makes a boy dirty and tired."

"My GiGi thinks I am the cutest player on the field no matter what I do!"


Friday, April 15, 2011


I can hardly believe that it is the middle of April! And we have already had some 90 degree days. Unbelievable. I didn't get my last memory verse posted and then time got away from me. I didn't want that to happen this time.

I have been reading 1000 Gifts and just soaking it in. Voskamp's perspective on gratitude and thankfulness is resonating with me at this point in my life in a huge way. I told my sweet man the other day that I really feel God telling me in my spirit, "Simplify, Simplify." I don't consider myself an ungrateful person. I can find something to be thankful for in most situations. But this is different. Things can get crazy and seem out of control quickly, can't they? That is why one of my prayers lately has been to have a more eternal perspective on things rather than a worldly one. However I had to realize that is what I had first! Sometimes I just feel so bogged down with all the "stuff" in my life that needs tending to. Stuff that is of no eternal importance whatsoever and can very quickly overwhelm me and cause me to inadvertently get my priorities all out of whack. Maybe it is due to getting older, or maybe God is giving me a teeny bit of that wisdom and discernment I keep asking for, but I want priorities like His. I want to think like Him, respond like Him and desire Him more every day.

That is why my scripture for memory is Philippians 4:8
"Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things."

Lord, help me to focus on the things that are of real importance. Not the stuff that blurs my vision and distracts my focus from You. Help me to truly learn to give thanks in the smallest things in my day. May gratitude become my instinctive reaction in situations. You are so faithful with me on a daily basis, forgive me those times I don't acknowledge it. Amen.

May you have a blessed day and weekend and may you too think on what is excellent and praiseworthy - He certainly is!


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Nontweeter and my face is NOT in the book

I am not on twitter nor facebook but if I were this would be my status update:
Sitting on the couch on my iPad, listening to pandora, playing words with friends, eating a homemade Humphrey and lamenting the fact america got it all wrong sending pia home. Yes I am an English teacher who just wrote a lot of words that should be capitalized but it is hard to do with my index finger! Much to say but will have to wait till I have the energy to use all fingers.
Friday is almost here! Whoo hoo!!

PS - upon rereading my very random non-sensical post, I felt compelled to say my face may not be in the book, but my name is in the book that matters!