Okay we made it back from our road trip last night about 6:30. We had such a great time but were so glad to be back at our house. Nothing like home is there? My husband is so incredibly sweet. He has known for years that I have really wanted to visit the city of Savannah Georgia, so he took me!!!! We had such a blast. Of course most of what we did was eat, eat again and then eat some more! It was great. We made a stop in Atlanta for a couple of days and then headed down to the coast to the beautiful city of Savannah. It is a gorgeous place. So quaint and romantic. We took a carriage ride through the city at night and it is one of the most exciting things we have ever done. I can't put into words how quiet and peaceful and gorgeous the city is with all the trees making tunnels over the streets with the hanging Spanish moss and the gas lanterns burning. I was shocked at how quiet the city was at night. The only sound was the horse's shoes hitting against the tabby streets. Beautiful. Go visit if you get the chance. We stayed at the Mulberry Inn on Bay street. Got to eat at Paula Deen's restaurant and I was worried it might be a bunch of hype. SO NOT!!! We needed to be rolled back to our hotel on a dolly but couldn't find where to rent one of those. It was incredible. My man and I make it a practice when we go on vacation to not eat at "chain" type restaurants. We like to experience the local flavors. We were not disappointed. Oh, Starbucks doesn't count on that list.
It was a great time of renewal for us. It is so important for couples to have one on one time with each other away from your regular routines. He is still my favorite traveling partner. Everything is fun with him. However, our baby of the four got sick and had to leave her FCA leadership camp early. Our oldest son and daughter-in-love kept her and took care of her. So I worked on having a good time in the midst of worry and guilt and all that mom stuff. She is fine now and glad we are home.
Much to do today to get back in the routine. Have a blessed day.